Video - CTV news coverage:
(UPDATE: Video no longer available.)
Click image to play video. News item starts at time marker 3:30.
Official Report:
Click report cover image to view official report:
The Future of Toronto Zoo Governance
Decision Document:
For the offical record of what the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo decided at the meeting, see:
The Globe and Mail - Shakeup distances zoo from city council:
“We have to take the politics out of this board,” said Toronto Councillor Mark Grimes, describing the involvement of city council in the decision to move the three elephants as a “fiasco.”
-- source: The Globe and Mail, 5-Sep-2012
Toronto Star - Toronto Zoo board members seek to end city funding:
If approved by the city, the plan will create an oversight body called the Toronto Zoological Society headed by a 24-member board which will include leaders from the corporate world and the community, but no city councilors.
-- source: Toronto Star, 5-Sep-2012
Scarborough Mirror - Toronto Zoo’s board of directors calls for change to facility’s governance:
Toronto Council forced the zoo to accept transfer of its elephants to a non-accredited California sanctuary after the board decided on sending the animals to another zoo. Dr. Cal Bricker, chairperson of the zoo board’s governance committee, said the episode was a perfect example of people using the board “as a political forum” and creating “a large distraction from doing what we have to do” to improve the zoo and draw in more partnerships and donations. “It’s unclear who runs the zoo” at present...
-- source: Scarborough Mirror, 7-Sep-2012
Toronto Star - Zoo must go back to future:
"The model that the current zoo board proposes is very similar to the one upon which the zoo was founded in the early 1970s. I was the first membership secretary for the Metropolitan Toronto Zoological Society, a non-profit organization that operated the Metro Toronto Zoo (as it was then called) ..." -- Catherine Brydon.
-- source: Toronto Star, 10-Sep-2012